Friday, May 8

Nude Celebs

What is it with celebs and their nude pics constantly 'leaking'?
Now I'm not about to sound all prude-ish and say that I, like most [I'm sure], like a good celebrity scandal and nude pic reveal...but sometimes, enough is enough.
It's like you can almost set your watch by when the next 'accidental' revelation of some celeb's intimate photos will drop.

Case in point: Cassie.
Since late last night, I been reading on some blogs about it and finally today the actual uncensored pics emerged. Now, Cassie [and her people] are saying that her 'computer was hi-jacked' and all that shit. But really, had they not been there in the first place, then it would never have happened.
Basically, there's no smoke if there's no fire.
Now I get it that all couples do their thing with respect to these kinda shenanigans but if you are someone of note and you know these things exist, best thing to do is track them down before they make their way to the internet...or, once the damage is done, just own up to it and that's it.

I don't understand why it's such a big deal to everyone, I mean, we have all at this point seen someone nude...some that we'd like to see and some that we wouldn't [I'm sure] what is the big deal? Sadly, I've also noticed that even though the celeb themself is the most taken-aback, they are also the ones that can't let it go. It's ridiculous.

Alright, this has been the longest rant thus far and I'm sure it isn't all that interesting but I just needed to put that out in the ether. 

UPDATE: It would seem that 'someone' (I know you think it's Breezy) leaked these scandalous photos of Rihanna just a bit ago...CLICK HERE if you

Sadly though, this just proves my point; in less than 2 days and there are 2 celebs who's private stuff hits the 'net...SMH

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